What keeps you going?

What keeps you going? When there is a pile of easier jobs than being an artist, what keeps you going? For me as a vocalist, it isn’t the ‘likes’ that count, it’s when people say my words/vocals made them feel. It’s like having a stone tumbler in my head where all the jagged edges get…

Smash the glass ceiling

Public Relations is a field dominated by women but the men make more money – they call this the ‘glass ceiling’. When I heard about it, I knew that typically men make more money but somehow wondered, “Are they teaching all these women this so they don’t question their pay? That they accept the ‘glass…

“You are not only a child of the universe, but also a creator”

I chose to share this wise musing that I was told recently: “Within you lies all of the answers. Your biological parents played the role they were meant to in terms of their spiritual contract with you. They were the channels for your birth into this world. You did not come from them, but through…

Take time for you

Tomorrow my man gets home after a week away. Yes, I miss him but I also got right into doing my own things at home… Like wearing pajamas for 3 days straight, napping at 5pm or eating cupcakes for breakfast with zero guilt. Music, editing, vocals, silence, naps… Being antisocial. It’s been good. Even work…

April 27 – A good day

I gave up a second interview for flight attendant and chose to do a more corporate-based contract job in audio-visual. I took the chance. The one contract proposal I wrote landed me another. Then I was called in and offered a 3 month contract (with mention of full-time afterwards) and given a massive office. Just…

Monday Musings

This time last year, things were very different. On the outside, it looked like I had everything made as I jet-set and planned for the next adventure. But we all know Facebook is fake and our lives aren’t all perfectly glistening in the sun and we all have shit to deal with. It’s a fact…

If you’re going to objectify yourself…

I’m in my late 30s. It’s a harsh, painful truth for me. Every time I look in the mirror, I do a double take because I don’t know where my 27 year old self went. My youth went down in a blaze of glory and now I wander around aimlessly in Wrinkle Fields. My once firm…

So you have to do an (unpaid) internship…

A year ago I had a final assignment to do a vlog giving first year students advice. 3 tips for students going into their placement Figure out what you want to do by the end of school. You have 2.5 years of being exposed to things to latch on to. Lots of time to figure…

Masterpiece2.0 v1 (WIP)

In conversation with a friend yesterday, I was surprised at how different our perceptions could be. My friend felt like they were falling behind, like they were watching their competitors pass them by on all sides. The arrow just isn’t hitting the bullseye right now and my friend entertained the self inflicted blame game. The…

Love isn’t meant to be understood, it’s meant to be lived.

Today I woke up with my best friend. We’ve been friends for almost six years. In the beginning, it was all just a tease and everything was perfect every day. We always smiled and always laughed and the amount of pressure in life was minimal because we were so high on each other. And a…